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Primary school Cecilia Danieli _ CompetitionButtrio UD

At school in the poplar wood.

The new primary school echoes the profiles of the trees that surround it. It also seeks a mediation between the scale of the wood and the needs of the children.

The projects has been developed through a closed connection with the surrounding context: a park with poplar trees.


Competition (July 2016), first stone (March 2017) open school (September 2017).


Timeline | 2016/17

Place | Buttrio _ Udine

Client | DANIELI spa

Project preliminare/definitivo/esecutivo | MADE associati _ Treviso con Marco Zito Studio

Coll | arch. Silvia Fracassi, arch. Matteo Artico, arch. Francesco Faggian
D.L. | arch. Adriano Marangon
Comp | Alfaluda – TV
Structur | DFG ingegneria

Mechanical plants | TFE – ing. Giovanni Curculacos

Electrical systems | TFE- ing. Giovanni Curculacos

Contractor | F&B Costruzioni – Nimis UD
