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Implementational plan for Via Avenale _ CompetitionCastelfranco Veneto (Tv), 2007

IThe project intends to utilise the quality of the location to recompose a balance between the different parts of the city by carrying out an urban, environmental, landscape and architectonic requalification able to structure an urban location in the intervention area. A place that is in itself complex, multi-functional and capable of dialoguing functionally and physically with the city. The intervention is proposed as a balance between the built-up spaces and those with planning permission from which inter-connections of sociality and requalification of city living are born.

The new intervention is located parallel to the Avenale Torrent establishing precise relationships with the surroundings: it delimits, it has a dialogue, it stretches out.

The project is constituted by a continuous and ‘fragmented’ architectonic system that imposes itself as a uniform element of closure in relation to the hospital area. The construction represents an ‘embankment’ that completes the area of the hospital buildings, develops from the north to the south almost at a tangent to the area limits of the intervention and delimits the space of the new park.

The building splits and bends with the aim of showing itself in its singular parts, bowing to a measured scale of perception. Its development interacts with the green space.

The building lengthens the historized part of the city giving continuity to the compact and linear fabric that characterises the urban aggregates of the principal roads (like the built up curtain of Via Riccati-Borgo Treviso, via Ospedale). The new system almost stretches into and invades the front of the Rest Home using the green area of the park as links between the parts. Links which remains faithful to the territorial scale in that the new linear park serves as a trait d’union between the centre of Castelfranco and the surroundings that are permeated by pedestrian-bike paths.

The building is intended for residential, commercial and office use with different grades of occupation at ground level to allow a differentiated use of the paved and the green areas. It remains at ground level for the public contact functions (commercial activity, offices, bar), and rises up to open to a square in double height that faces onto the large tree-lined green lawns.


Castelfranco Veneto (Tv), 2007

Client: ULSS 8, Asolo

Project: Made associati _ Michela De Poli e Adriano Marangon

Competition – first prize
