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Residential building X6Treviso, 2004_06

The presented project is made up of a residential building for 6 apartments near the city of Treviso in an area where the line between city and countryside does not have a defined boundary but rather territories in which places with different functions live together (the little field that is still being farmed, the isolated little house, the shopping center, the office district). The site for this project is situated between single houses and the allotment of a farming field.In this context and for these premises the structure of the new building aims to exploit the positive aspects of the site and of an agricultural landscape that still exists, being out of sight from the dense and intrusive urban areas, while at the same time answering to the necessities of maximum use of space imposed by the customer (construction company). This has lead to the choice of building a compact block that is “aware” of the value of its relation with its surroundings and capable of producing moderate special occasions in its inner spaces. The limited size of the lot and the observance of the distances from the boundaries and the placing of the access have determined the plot on which the new volume will be built.

The building faces the outside in the direction of the open field (which is actuallly still preciously enclosed by trees and bushes) with different points of view which make up the southern façade with openings between them. The northern façade is completely blind and marked by a large cleft containing two terrace spaces. A planned excavation in some areas allows for small, luminous interior spaces where light is captured and enhanced by white surfaces. This work of subtraction is marked by the tratment of the surfaces: dark external coating, light excavated volumes. The southern limit of separation is made up of walls of different heights: a high wall progressively connecting with the building; the private garden’s border wall; a wall that marks the access to the underground parking spaces; a green wall that borders with the countryside. The difference in colour from the building’s inside highlights the role of surface and not of mass/volume. The apartments do not face each other. They are subdivided into two apartments per floor, the stairway is central and the apartments have been organized with the living areas facing south and the sleeping areas facing north. There are small private gardens on the ground floor and garages in the basement. The roofing is made of slightly inclined pitches.

Via Bellucci, Treviso, 2004_06
Client: Immobiliare Castelli
Project: Made associati _ Michela De Poli e Adriano Marangon
Structure: ing. Marco Maschio
Safety: geom. Francesco Merlo
Area: 783 mq
Surface: 405 mq
Costs: € 420.000,00
Photo: Adriano Marangon
