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Aerocampo San Giacomo di Veglia _ COMPETITION

The logic of functional aggregation develops on a double front: ways of using spaces and composition of the different naturalities. The nature/man connection is always active from a perceptive, sensorial and experiential point of view.
The functional arrangement connects the multiple potentialities of being: free or partially structured activities are placed in precise points of the area reasoning on the different relationships of the spaces provided.
The construction of the park design is based on the quality and ecosystemic potential of the places to generate and promote new environmental qualities that feed first of all the area of ​​the new park and can contribute to creating an integrated and widespread system by connecting with the different natural specificities of the context.

The logic of functional aggregation develops on a double front: ways of using spaces and composition of the different naturalities. The nature/man connection is always active from a perceptive, sensorial and experiential point of view.

The functional arrangement connects the multiple potentialities of being: free or partially structured activities are placed in precise points of the area reasoning on the different relationships of the spaces provided.

The construction of the park design is based on the quality and ecosystemic potential of the places to generate and promote new environmental qualities that feed first of all the area of ​​the new park and can contribute to creating an integrated and widespread system by connecting with the different natural specificities of the context.

Time: 2023
Client: Comune di Vittorio Veneto
Project: MADE associati _ Treviso, arch. Michela De Poli e arch. Adriano Marangon
Collab.: arch. Laura Castenetto