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The new Piazza San GiovanniMusile di Piave (Ve), 2008

The area for the new Piazza San Giovanni is made up of a large central area in the town of Musile di Piave. Its physical central position is of added value due to the close vicinity of the main highly frequented services, such as the schools to the South and the parochial sports ground and children’s play area to the North.
The collocation has additional potential as it is within a built up area of single buildings, small condominiums and single-family homes, integrated in a tightly enclosed perimeter. Potential that identifies in this place a large empty space in which its occupation should be phased and measured to allow for this part of the town to have the right ratio between built-up space and open space, that favours sociality and frequentation.

Following these criteria the new land settlement is structured with a precise aim in defining the open spaces, the connections and the possibility of land occupation. A ‘vein’ of landscaped trees and plants is the feature that provides unity and continuity between different parts of the city. It is the public space that has its necessary dimensions to be dominating and qualifying in respect to the surrounding built-up area.
The building project is based on ‘sensitive buildings’ with a double skin that is ‘soft’ on the outside and ‘hard’ on the inside. The apartments have dimensional flexibility and are developed with five different design types.
The organic building development culminates in a public hall for auditorium use, that is the connecting element with the town centre.

Musile di Piave (Ve), 2008
Client: Comune di Musile di Piave
Project: Made associati _ Michela De Poli e Adriano Marangon
