The studio of MADE associati works in the field of architecture and landscape architecture, researching varying scales of controlled transformation projects, designing and realising public and private buildings, schools, residences, public spaces, parks and gardens, and working through urban studies and project master-plans for re-design aimed at the preservation and evolution of vast sensitive areas.
The studio has participated in national and international competitions winning numerous awards. It’s work has been shown many times in exhibitions and published in Italian and international magazines. Michela De Poli and Adriano Marangon have been visiting professors and their activity includes conferences, seminars and workshops in European universities.
“We often speak of sensorial experience as basic components of how we work. The translation of this recognition is transformed into the right measure between personal identification (of who lives, of who frequents the locations), and new elements.
We work through reuse and reclamation mechanisms of “materials” already existing at the location, through operations that help the multi-functionality of the locations, through stimulations that allow for the reactivation-reinvention of spaces, for a sustainability intended as the achievement of integration optimised between the diverse components of the project: architectonic, environmental, structural, landscape, economic,……”
Adriano Marangon Graduated in Architecture from Venice IUAV in 1991 and studied Industrial Design in a Specialisation Course at IUAV. Consultant and designer for local authorities, public bodies, private study foundations, planning and project design of urban and territorial transformations, buildings and open spaces.
Michela De Poli Graduated in Architecture from Venice IUAV in 1991 and studied International Course Landscape Planning and Design at Wageningen Agricultural University, in Holland. Visiting Professor at Venice IUAV (urban planning and landscape architecture). Consultant and designer for public and private bodies for landscape and environment project design.